La Comisión de Fiestas es el órgano encargado de organizar gran parte de las actividades de las Fiestas de Moros y Cristianos. A través de ella, anualmente, se recogen las nuevas propuestas, ideas, iniciativas, etc., que hacen que nuestras fiestas evolucionen año tras año. Está formado por:
  • Ayuntamiento de Benamaurel
  • Hermandad e Insignias de Ntra. Sra. de la Cabeza
  • Comparsa Cristiana
  • Comparsa Mora
  • Pakkos del Guardal
Si deseas aportar alguna idea a la comisión de este año, la próxima reunión tendrá lugar el 9 de Marzo en el ayuntamiento.  


Most armored fight clubs follow the Historical Medieval Battles ruleset or some variation of these basic rules.

The fighter’s head has to be protected with a metal helmet, safety features and specifications of which comply with the same parameters of a helmet made of steel ST3 2 mm thick.

The fighter’s head has to be protected with a metal helmet, safety features and specifications of which comply with the same parameters of a helmet made of steel ST3 2 mm thick.

The fighter’s head has to be protected with a metal helmet, safety features and specifications of which comply with the same parameters of a helmet made of steel ST3 2 mm thick.

The fighter’s head has to be protected with a metal helmet, safety features and specifications of which comply with the same parameters of a helmet made of steel ST3 2 mm thick.

The fighter’s head has to be protected with a metal helmet, safety features and specifications of which comply with the same parameters of a helmet made of steel ST3 2 mm thick.

The fighter’s head has to be protected with a metal helmet, safety features and specifications of which comply with the same parameters of a helmet made of steel ST3 2 mm thick.

The fighter’s head has to be protected with a metal helmet, safety features and specifications of which comply with the same parameters of a helmet made of steel ST3 2 mm thick.

The fighter’s head has to be protected with a metal helmet, safety features and specifications of which comply with the same parameters of a helmet made of steel ST3 2 mm thick.

The fighter’s head has to be protected with a metal helmet, safety features and specifications of which comply with the same parameters of a helmet made of steel ST3 2 mm thick.

The fighter’s head has to be protected with a metal helmet, safety features and specifications of which comply with the same parameters of a helmet made of steel ST3 2 mm thick.

The fighter’s head has to be protected with a metal helmet, safety features and specifications of which comply with the same parameters of a helmet made of steel ST3 2 mm thick.

The fighter’s head has to be protected with a metal helmet, safety features and specifications of which comply with the same parameters of a helmet made of steel ST3 2 mm thick.

The fighter’s head has to be protected with a metal helmet, safety features and specifications of which comply with the same parameters of a helmet made of steel ST3 2 mm thick.

The fighter’s head has to be protected with a metal helmet, safety features and specifications of which comply with the same parameters of a helmet made of steel ST3 2 mm thick.

The fighter’s head has to be protected with a metal helmet, safety features and specifications of which comply with the same parameters of a helmet made of steel ST3 2 mm thick.


Pictures From Shows and Events

Kings and Queens recreate chivalric foot tournaments of the Nobility and Knights in all their splendor and glory. Leap into the fray or simply enjoy the spectacle!